Our Projects
Consulting Projects
Elaborate projects and long term business support
Lviv region, Ukraine
#1 Bricks producer in Ukraine
Kyiv, Ukraine
17 floors Business Center
Web sites
Creation, maintenance and support
Сreation of a new website to meet core edge search engine standards
Localization for Ukrainian market of site
Localization for Ukrainian market of site
Social networks pages
Creation, maintenance and support
Our business projects
Speciality Coffee
The best city cafe in center of Kyiv
We grew up hundreds of hair and make-up professionals
Business Club, Café, Event space
Birthplace of new ideas and projects
Launching brands and localization into the market
Participation in exhibitions
Master classes and roadshows
More than 100 educational events yearly
Advanced training for employees and partners
By visiting producer's facilities
Participation in beauty events, cooperation with TV stars
Sponsorship in international fashion days
Our contacts
Schöne Aussicht, 6
69436 Schönbrunn
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All photo and video materials belong to their owners and are used for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.